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The case, dial and bracelet will be the first thing clients notice, according to Babin, who believes that aesthetics are what creates the initial impression.

After the success of the 2016 minute repeater and the lessons learned, the decision was made to use titanium. This material is super-lightweight, super-strong, and can be used in ultra-thin cases. The new face was then introduced for the new movement, and for the first ever, a titanium bracelet.

The Finissimo needed a bracelet that would fit the dimensions of the case. This resulted in links just 2.5mm thick - 1mm thinner than the thinnest metal bracelets. We had to redesign the closure because it was so thin. This was a major challenge for our Saignelegier facility.IWC Big Pilot Replica When youchange materials, you have to change the tools and thesystemsyouuse.With the first prototype we could see thatthebuckle was thicker than the bracelet and thiswasjustnotright visuallysowehad to start over. The solution was to put the clasp in the bracelet, so that when you put it on, all you see is the titanium links.

"It was a huge challenge, but the product needed to be a design piece. So we had to redesign the buckle. It is sometimes important to use the same language when using an object. If I create a Finissimo with a new automatic movement, and a bracelet that is stunning with a new clasp concept, but someone needs to ask me how it works, then it doesn't make sense. We want peopleto say, "Wow! This is a brand new buckle butit looks like a standard one."

The company's vertical integration, which began more than a decade ago, was the key to the creation of the Octo watch family, including the complications, cases, bracelets, and three record-breaking timepieces. Terreni says: "Untilthe1990s a watch company was able to get by on good design.Rolex Replica Watches Today, it's essentialto master manufacturing." You can only use the technology available to others when you use external suppliers. Butwhen youmake everything yourself,youcan bediscreet and secretiveandyoucanshock the world."

Buonamassa shares this sentiment, and adds that while it's possible to make amazing watches using external suppliers, the process is expensive and done according to their schedule. He explains that if we spend a lot of cash on external development, there may not be any watches available for the next year. "When we discuss a new product development for 2022 this could be a platform for four to five different products. We can then say, "OK, we don't have what we wanted but we can use the know-how we have to create something simpler or different."